Friday, August 20, 2010

School, As Usual.

As most of you might know, my whole class (well, most of us) have changed our places because of all the noise we make that disrupts other classes.

As for me, honestly, I just changed one seat to the right.
And Shi Ying is still beside me so there's not much of a difference.
Except for the fact that Hui Yik changed place and now I'm sitting next to a guy.
But it's alright.
Quite fun too.

The guy who sits south-west from me calls me 'Michelle E Lim Yen San'.
Yes, he does say the E there and also calls me by my full name.
And not to mention that he also likes to borrow my protractor.
Oh well. xD

The guy sitting next to me called me unreal in his blog.
That's nice. -.-

The guy sitting north-east from me, well, there's nothing much to say about him.
But he lives in fear of Shi Ying's deadly sneeze! xD

I'm sitting in the middle of 5 guys and 3 girls.


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