Monday, November 15, 2010


Everybody faces change.

Over the past year, I realized that I've changed a lot.
Then again, I'm sure everyone has, no matter looks, attitude, whatever.
Yesterday, I went back to SKTM for their Hari Kanak-kanak celebration.
There I really saw the difference between life in primary and secondary school.

I'm not going to say that DJ is better than SKTM.
No, I'm saying that compared to Standard 6, I actually prefer Form 1.

Last year, let's just say, it was full of drama for me.
That drama added to the stress that I already had thinking about UPSR.
And honestly, that drama succeeded in making me depressed for at least a month.

This year, there was no drama.
Yeah, sure, this is our first year in secondary school, of course there won't be any drama.
But why is it so?
I think it's because all of us actually grew up.

Last year, I was actually much more hardworking than this year.
When I had homework, I would complete it as fast as I could (not all the time though).
That was to avoid rushing to do it on the day it's due.

This year, I am now more lazy. xD
Okay, it's not something good but it's a change, right?
If there was a certain task we had to do by Tuesday, I'd do it on Monday night.
And for some reason, sometimes homework will eventually lead to Facebook (honestly, how does that happen?).

I remember the last week of school in SKTM, we were all freaking out about separating and entering secondary school.
Wondering how we'll do there, who we'll meet.

And now, after one year of Form 1, we laugh thinking back.
Secondary school life wasn't so bad after all.
In fact, it was actually enjoyable (well, for me).

I've met some pretty awesome friends this year who I will not forget.
Some, not so awesome, but life's like that. :/
Of course, I will also never forget my primary school friends.
Heck, all of you guys are awesome, no matter from primary or secondary school.
And that will never change.



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